Publications & Research
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Book Chapter
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Searching is becoming easier than thinking. Enter a query in a search engine, and the searcher is instantly flooded with results. Information has never been easier to retrieve and consume. At the same time, determining the quality of the results remains a daunting task. Despite the attempts to make search tools "brain dead easy"1 to use, searching that reduces the need to think invites problems. Machines cannot reliably predict what each individual is hunting for, machines cannot determine what is credible, yet that is the direction search engine development is headed.
Recommended Citation
Heine, Carl, and Dennis O'Connor. "Digital Information Fluency in an Age of Information Consumption." Teaching Information Fluency: How to Teach Students to be Efficient, Ethical, and Critical Information Consumers. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2014. 3-23. Print.
Teaching Information Fluency: How to Teach Students to be Efficient, Ethical, and Critical Information Consumers: Chapter 1
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